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  • Writer's pictureCrystal Bowers

Communicating Design and The Design Process

Here are some questions to think about when communicating your design successfully.

1. How does communication design work within the constraints of print and media?

Communication design works within the constraints of print and media by using

psychological principles that describe how human beings process visual information

to transmit meaning effectively.

2. How does the creative process relate to strategic problem solving?

The creative process relates to strategic problem solving by involving both research

and defining goals or concepts.

3. How is the creative process related to the design process?

The creative process and the design process are related by both being iterative and

involve conversations about the project.

4. What are the critical phases of the design process?

The critical phases of the design process are research and the definition of goals for

the project at hand.

5. How does project research help to define a communication problem?

Research helps define a communication problem through meeting with clients and

establishing the goals needing to be met.

6. What are some examples of brainstorming techniques that generate multiple concepts

based on a common message?

Some examples of brainstorming techniques that generate multiple concepts based

on the common message are developing lists and/or concept mapping.

7. How does using a metaphoric device generate concepts?

The metaphoric device generates concepts by finding multiple ways to express the

message being delivered.

8. How do concepts translate into messages within a visual form?

Concepts translate into messages within visual for through presenting them in interesting,

unique, and memorable ways on both intellectual and emotional levels.

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